Do you feel you're provided the opportunity to offer up new ideas and contribute, in general, to the culture of innovation at Indigo?
"Absolutely! This is one of the things I love most about Indigo! From the early days when the whole company consisted of less than 20 people, I remember EVERYONE would gather for lively brainstorming sessions, the founder of the company, bench scientists, data scientists, lab techs, an attorney - everyone participated and listened and learned from each other's experiences and opinions. Today Indigo is much larger, but this spirit of open communication and collaboration is still strong. We collaborate through our everyday work, through software like our online innovation exchange where we bounce ideas off each other, and through "hands-on" brainstorming sessions where we learn a new assay and some of the points which are most challenging and can share ideas about how to make it more efficient."
Caroline Hegg